
Expanded History.

 The Soviet Union was a former federation of communist republics that occupied the northern half of Asia and part of eastern Europe, capital, Moscow. Created from the remnants of the Russian empire in the aftermath of the 1917 Russian Revolution, the 1917 Russian revolution was an integral part of Russia’s history especially when it came to the shift of governments/ power, as the Russian revolution led to deposing/assassination of the Russian royal family including Tzar Nicholas III, the former ruler of Russia by forces under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin, a man who would later become the first president of Russia or rather the Soviet Union. This event was triggered due to the bloodshed during WW1, which caused many Russian citizens to resent Russia’s ruling class as Tzar Nicholas had not delivered any resolutions that would ensure the safety and health of the Russian people. A man known as Vladimir Lenin saw his people disillusioned with the Tzar and swayed his people via propagand

P4-PC: The fall of Russia and how Putins actions reflect those of past Soviet Dictators/leaders.

How does Russia’s actions against the sovereign nation of Ukraine mirror the grave mistakes committed by Russia’s past dictators?      On December 12, 2022, the O.H.C.H.R (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) reported and confirmed 17,362 Ukrainian civilian casualties: 6,755 Ukrainian civilians killed and 10,607 Ukrainian civilians injured due to the recent invasion by Russian forces under President Putin’s order. ( Ukraine: civilian casualty update 12 December 2022 | OHCHR ) Throughout The Ukraine War, tensions between Russia, Ukraine, and other nations seem to have grown exponentially. Due to the rising tensions, more and more people fall victim to Putin’s war. Even Russian citizens are hugely affected by the war in both an economic and safety sense. However, though I provided numbers of deaths and Injuries of Ukrainian civilians this does not paint the entire picture. This is because the death and injury toll increases day by day especially when we factor